Apple iPhone 5C boasts its colors in a video

The Apple iPhone 5S and 5C may be the least kept handsets as they are shown in several leaks from different sources. The iPhone 5S is Apple’s next flagship and the iPhone 5C is its mid-range offering targeted to emerging markets which is expected to sit below the current iPhone 5 in terms of relative pricing and build quality.

(Video by Rozetked via Youtube)

This latest video render shows us that the budget iPhone is worthy of its name 5C, which supposedly stands for color as stated in the video. The colorful plastic shells prove that they won’t come as premium as the 5S but are still of a decent quality better than the latest mid-rangers. Coming in 5 colors (Blue, White, Green, Yellow, Magenta), the iPhone 5C is expected to hit the stores at a price range of about $300-$400 which is totally cheaper than Apple’s flagship but for some buyers, it may still sound a little pricey. Just for comparison, the iPod Touch 5th Generation initially sells for almost the same ($299) price as what the expected 5C’s price is.

In just a few days, all these leaks will be judged as to their authenticity and let’s all hope that the pricing is way more affordable than all those leaks.

Posted from WordPress for Android

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  1. Pingback: Apple iPhone 5S details ‘leaked’ but iPhone 5C nowhere to be seen on eve of launch | MrHairyBrit - Hairy Man of Youtube

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